Wellbeing Tips for Lockdown

Wellbeing Tips for Lockdown

There are a whole lot of emotions that come with being "in lockdown"... I know myself I have felt frustrated, angry, sadness and worry, but also pride, calmness and gratitude.

It is Lockdown 4.0 here in New Zealand and it has hit us all in the feels hard! We have managed to keep Covid-19 at bay for quite a while, so maybe that it why this time around it feels so much worse!  The last few weeks have been overwhelming for many as we manage kids home from school and daycare, working from home, managing businesses and the many decisions that come with making sure we all stay safe and healthy.

Below I have put together some quick tips for getting through this time, and also some FREE PRINTABLES and other resources you might find helpful for all ages.

Wellbeing tips for lockdown...

Manage your media - Watching the news or being on social media 24/7 can make you more anxious, so try and limit the amount of time you spend watching. Especially around young children - they will take your cues and worry more if they see you worried. But don't hide your feelings from them. It is a great time to talk about how you are feeling and finding ways to manage overwhelming emotions together. 

Create a routine - Life will look a little different for a while but it is important to maintain a regular routine. Get up and get ready for the day, don't lounge around in your PJs all day. A good warm shower can be great for the soul!
Keep moving - your physical health can have a big impact on how you feel mentally. If you have the opportunity to get outside all the better! Spending time in nature can hugely benefit your mental and physical wellbeing.
Get enough sleep - Skipping sleep or not getting enough can make you moody and irritable. Your bedroom should be your sanctuary, keep it cool, dark and quiet. Don't drink caffeine or high sugar drinks or spend too much time on screens before bed.
Stay connected - Don't shut yourself off from your support network. Share how you are feeling and what you are doing to cope with your friends and family. If you feel like you are in crisis please reach out to support networks in your area. For a full list of helplines in NZ, Australia and USA head to our contact page.
Focus on the good - make time to do things you enjoy, focus on a hobby or learn something new. Make time each day to sit in silence and write in your gratitude journal.
Set some goals - They don't have to be big life changing goals it could simply be something around the house you have been meaning to do like a spring clean. Write down a list and tick them off as you get them done. If you do set big goals think about the small steps you can take to get you there.
Learn to breathe - A great way to manage difficult emotions is to learn how to do diaphragmatic breathing. When we are overwhelmed it is hard to focus on what needs to be done and anxiety takes over, learning deep belly breathing helps us to take control and creates a sense of calm which allows our minds to focus. Check out our FREE Just Breathe poster to learn how.

If you have one of our Resilient ME Gratitude Journals you will already be familiar with all of the above!
Stay safe, stay healthy and stay connected.
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